Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Yo dudes, I am back with my sim-isaac.blogspot.com. Em, been silent for 2 weeks. Closing my blog even. So all the previous blog all had gone. I remember I start this blogspot with my mission in Labuan, and now I am in Labuan.

My first title for my blog is "See the Morning" reason because of Chris Tomlin album title is same as it and I feel it meaningful because of the bright morning sunshine and the beauty of the Creator.

Then I changed my blog title to "Isaac's Long and Winding Journey" is not because of Guy Sebastian songs but is because of one of my friends(jonathantse.blogspot.com) songs which start from "It's a long and winding Journey". I feel that this is my journey and I want to share my journey in this blog.

Now!! I called it metamorphosis because one day I was doing a design which related to a butterfly. So things came to my mind is that the old had gone, the new will come. No one like caterpilar but it is a process which it had to go through to become a beautiful butterfly.

So stay tune with Metamorphosis and I hope I won't change any title again...HEHEHE.....


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