Sunday, February 1, 2009

An Encounter

Last week we study about prayer in one of my pastoral subject. Won't share much what is in the content but can tell you is totally different and it is an eye opener for everyone. Every week we had to do reflection on the topic that we studied.

While doing my reflection, God just ministered to me. At first, I denied some truth and put into the reflection. I decided to change it when my heart really feel with burden.

One of the points that gave me an encounter is that true prayer is an encounter, not only with God with with our true self. Combined with the point that the essence of prayer is RELATIONSHIP. How you pray, reflects what kind of relationship you have with God.

When I do my reflection on this point, I found back the feeling of the first love with God as I practice how do have a dialogue prayer rather than monologue prayer. I come to repentance and with a grateful heart I thank God for accepting me of all that is past. After doing this reflection, I ponder my relationship with my dad. Sometime my prayer is so dull because my relationship with God is not strong and I do not have true prayer lifestyle and why I hardly communicate with my dad because of my relationship with him just like a transaction, when I need something I call him or when I banked in money to him I call him. Compare to my brothers, they can talk with my dad in anything and everything. Our prayer the same when we only give a shopping list to God. This point strike me, because of relationship of love with God, anything and everything can become topics of interest for communication with God.

I felt so sorry. Truly, true prayer is an encounter not only with God but with our true self. True prayer does not change the things we pray, but it changes us as pray-er. In the end of prayer, is not that God hear us but we hear God!


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